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47 Signs of the prophetic calling

47 Signs of the prophetic calling

As a prophet and teacher with over two decades of experience, I am often asked about the signs of a prophetic calling. Many believers sense a unique stirring and wonder if God has set them apart for this powerful ministry.

The office of prophet is not one to be taken lightly or entered into hastily. It is a weighty calling that requires deep consecration, unwavering obedience, and a willingness to bear the burden of the Lord.

At the same time, God is raising up a new generation of prophetic voices to speak His heart, contend for revival, and usher in His Kingdom purposes. If you sense the call of God on your life, it’s crucial to discern the authentic signs of a prophetic anointing.

In this article, I will share 47 biblical indicators that you may be called and commissioned as a prophet. These signs are drawn from Scripture, confirmed in my own journey, and evident in the lives of the prophets I have mentored.

As we explore these signs together, I pray that the Holy Spirit will bring clarity, confirmation, and impartation. May you gain a greater understanding of your prophetic destiny and be empowered to step into your God-given assignment with boldness, humility, and unwavering faith.

47 Signs of the prophetic calling

  1. Vivid Dreams and Visions: Receiving clear, symbolic, and directional revelation from God, whether asleep or awake (Acts 2:17).
  2. Deep Intimacy with God: An unquenchable thirst for God’s presence and voice. Extended seasons of prayer, worship, and communion with the Holy Spirit (Jeremiah 33:3).
  3. Burden for Intercession: Intense, Spirit-led prayer for people, regions, or situations, often with weeping and travail (Ezekiel 22:30).
  4. Anointing to Preach: A fire to proclaim God’s Word with boldness, seeing lives transformed and captives set free (Jeremiah 20:9).
  5. Discernment of Spirits: Heightened spiritual discernment of demonic activity, motives, and roots of issues (1 Corinthians 12:10).
  6. Desire for Holiness: Pursuit of purity and Christlikeness. Grieved by sin and compromise (2 Timothy 2:21).
  7. Compassion for the Lost: Deep burden for souls and willingness to minister in unconventional settings (Jude 1:22-23).
  8. Confirming Prophecies: Other credible prophets affirming your calling through unsolicited words (1 Timothy 1:18).
  9. Unusual Favor and Open Doors: Supernatural opportunities, provision, and resources for your assignment (Isaiah 45:1-3).
  10. Warfare and Opposition: Intense battles and resistance from the enemy. Facing criticism and rejection (2 Timothy 3:12).
  11. Bearing Good Fruit: Seeing genuine transformation and Kingdom impact through your ministry (Matthew 7:16).
  12. Inward Witness of the Spirit: Deep conviction of your prophetic identity and destiny (Romans 8:16).
  13. Ability to Hear God’s Voice: Recognizing the Father’s voice with increasing clarity (John 10:27).
  14. Persistent Prophetic Dreams: Recurring, vivid dreams with spiritual significance (Genesis 37:5-10).
  15. Urgency and Divine Mandate: An undeniable sense of calling and commissioning (Jeremiah 1:5).
  16. Called as a Watchman: Responsibility to warn, guide and guard God’s people (Ezekiel 3:17).
  17. Anointing to Expose Hidden Sins: Revealing secrets of hearts and bringing things into the light (1 Corinthians 14:25).
  18. Boldness to Confront Powers: Fearlessness in challenging ungodly authority and strongholds (Micah 3:8).
  19. Hunger for the Word: Insatiable appetite for Scripture. Hiding God’s Word in your heart (Jeremiah 15:16).
  20. Revelation of Scripture: Fresh insights and prophetic understanding of biblical passages (Daniel 9:22-23).
  21. Travailing Prayer: Groaning and laboring in the Spirit for breakthrough (Romans 8:26).
  22. Visions of Angels and Heaven: Supernatural encounters with celestial beings and heavenly realms (2 Kings 6:17).
  23. Confirmation Through Others’ Visions: People having dreams about your calling and destiny (Acts 9:10-16).
  24. Prophetic Songs and Poetry: Spontaneous, Spirit-inspired psalms, hymns and prophetic utterances (1 Chronicles 25:1).
  25. Experiencing Supernatural Signs: Witnessing extraordinary manifestations that confirm the prophetic word (Isaiah 38:7-8).
  26. Restoring Broken Altars: Call to rebuild the prayer altars and restore true worship (1 Kings 18:30).
  27. Authority to Decree and Declare: Boldness to release the prophetic word of the Lord (Job 22:28).
  28. Foreknowledge of Events: Specific revelations of things before they happen (2 Kings 7:1).
  29. Increased Dream Recall and Symbolism: Remembering and discerning the meaning of dreams (Daniel 2:19).
  30. Healing Anointing: Authority to break bondages and minister supernatural healing (Luke 9:1-2).
  31. Gift of Faith: Unshakable confidence to believe for the impossible (1 Corinthians 12:9).
  32. Discerning of Hearts: Ability to perceive the secrets, motives and issues of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).
  33. Burden for Revival: Passion to see God’s presence and power restored (Habakkuk 3:2).
  34. Mantle for Reformation: Anointing to bring revolutionary change and usher in new eras (2 Kings 2:9).
  35. Authority in Spiritual Warfare: Power to pull down strongholds and break demonic assignments (2 Corinthians 10:4).
  36. Overcoming Fear: Grace to conquer intimidation and speak boldly (Jeremiah 1:8).
  37. Walking in Power and Authority: Demonstrating the miraculous and supernatural (Acts 1:8).
  38. Discerning Times and Seasons: Understanding God’s prophetic timetable and unfolding plans (1 Chronicles 12:32).
  39. Increased Fasting and Prayer: Driven to extended periods of consecration and intercession (Daniel 9:3-5).
  40. Revelations of Heaven and Hell: Divine insights into eternal realities (2 Corinthians 12:1-4).
  41. Prophetic Acts and Demonstrations: Instructed to perform symbolic actions that convey God’s heart (Ezekiel 4:1-3).
  42. Persecution for Righteousness: Facing opposition and suffering for proclaiming truth (Matthew 5:10-12).
  43. Hated for Speaking Truth: Rejection and resistance for exposing sin and hypocrisy (1 Kings 18:17).
  44. Blessing After Opposition: Vindication and favor after seasons of attack and trial (Isaiah 54:17).
  45. Humility and Servant Heart: Purity of motives, free from self-promotion or personal agendas (Micah 6:8).
  46. Alignment with Apostolic Authority: Submission to and partnership with God-ordained leadership (1 Corinthians 12:28).
  47. Impartation Through Laying On of Hands: Activation and transmission of prophetic anointing (1 Timothy 4:14).
ALSO READ:  How to Prophesy Accurately

These signs should not be seen as a checklist, but rather as invitations to draw near to God, cultivate intimacy, and step into your prophetic destiny. Remember, the goal of prophecy is not to elevate the messenger, but to exalt Jesus and advance His Kingdom.

As you navigate your prophetic journey, I encourage you to prioritize character over gifting, humility over platform, and obedience over accolades. Fix your eyes on Jesus, abide in His presence, and allow the Holy Spirit to shape you into a pure and powerful vessel for His glory.

May you walk worthy of your prophetic calling and be a bright light in this generation!

If you have been blessed by this teaching and desire to go deeper in your understanding of the prophetic, I invite you to check out some of my other resources:

How to Prophesy Accurately: 13 Keys to receive and release a prophetic word
Mind Fasting: Unlock Your Spiritual Vision and See Clearly in the Spirit Realm

My prayer is that as you dive deep into the Scriptures, you will encounter afresh the beauty and power of God’s prophetic Word. May you hear His voice with greater clarity, walk in the fullness of your prophetic calling, and bear witness to the unfolding of His marvelous purposes in the earth.

Hungry for more of the prophetic? Visit to enroll in my Prophetic Masterclass today!

Gratefully yours,

Prophet Kum Eric Tso

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