Spiritual Gifts Test: The Ultimate Guide to Discovering Your Gifts
As a Christian, have you ever wondered what unique abilities and talents God has gifted you with to serve Him and build up the church? These are known as spiritual gifts, and taking a spiritual gifts test can be an illuminating way to discover how the Holy Spirit has equipped you. In this ultimate guide, we’ll dive deep into what spiritual gifts are, the benefits of taking a spiritual gifts test, how these assessments work, and practical tips for putting your gifts into action. By the end, you’ll be empowered to take a spiritual gifts test yourself and start operating in your giftings to glorify God and strengthen the body of Christ.
What are Spiritual Gifts?
The concept of spiritual gifts originates in the Bible, particularly in the New Testament. In 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4, the apostle Paul discusses the various gifts the Holy Spirit bestows on believers to edify the church and advance the Gospel. Some key biblical truths about spiritual gifts include:
- Every believer has at least one spiritual gift (1 Corinthians 12:7,11)
- Gifts are given for the common good, not personal status (1 Corinthians 12:7)
- There are many different gifts, but they all come from the same Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4)
- Gifts are meant to be used in love and humility to build up the church (Ephesians 4:11-12)
Some common categories of spiritual gifts mentioned in Scripture are:
- Serving gifts – mercy, helping, giving, hospitality
- Speaking gifts – teaching, exhortation, prophecy, tongues
- Leadership gifts – administration, leadership, pastoring
While not exhaustive, these give a helpful framework for understanding the types of gifts God distributes. The specific manifestation of these gifts can look different for each person.
Why Take a Spiritual Gifts Test?
If you’re unsure what your spiritual gifts are, you’re not alone. A spiritual gifts test can be a clarifying tool to pinpoint how God has wired you. Here are some key reasons to consider taking one:
- Gain self-awareness: A spiritual gifts test helps you identify your unique strengths and abilities. This self-knowledge is invaluable for understanding your role in the body of Christ.
- Discover ways to serve: Your spiritual gifts point to the areas where you can make the greatest impact. A spiritual gifts test can reveal opportunities to serve that you may have overlooked.
- Find fulfillment and purpose: When you operate in your giftings, you experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from being aligned with God’s plan for your life. A spiritual gifts test can be the first step in discovering that purpose.
- Appreciate others’ gifts: Taking a spiritual gifts test also gives you a deeper appreciation for the beautiful diversity of gifts in the church. You see how each person contributes something unique and valuable.
Taking a spiritual gifts test is not about pride or self-promotion, but rather gaining wisdom to be a good steward of your gifts for God’s glory.
How Spiritual Gifts Tests Work
If you’re considering taking a spiritual gifts test, it’s helpful to understand what to expect. While there are many assessments out there, most follow a similar format:
- A series of questions or statements that you respond to, indicating how accurately each one describes you
- Responses are typically on a scale (e.g. Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often, Always)
- Some tests are self-assessments, where you evaluate yourself, while others incorporate external feedback from those who know you well
- Your responses are tallied and generate a report showing your strongest gift areas
Length can vary from a short 5-minute quiz to a more extensive questionnaire. The key is to go with a reputable assessment from a trusted ministry or author (more on that below).
When taking the test, some tips for getting the most accurate results:
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide your reflections and responses
- Go with your gut instead of over-analyzing each question
- Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses
- Consider asking a friend who knows you well to take the assessment on your behalf and compare results
Remember, no test is perfect and your results may change over time as you grow. A spiritual gifts test is a starting point, not a final destination.
Popular Spiritual Gifts Tests
There are numerous spiritual gifts tests available online and in print. Here are some well-respected options to consider:
- Spiritual Gifts Survey (LifeWay Christian Resources) – This free 80-question assessment helps you identify your dominant gifts from 16 possibilities.
- Spiritual Gifts Test (ChurchGrowth.org) – This 140-question test is based on the theology and definitions in C. Peter Wagner’s book “Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow”.
- Discover Your God-Given Gifts (Don & Katie Fortune) – This assessment focuses on 6 motivational gifts from Romans 12.
- Spiritual Gifts Inventory (Group Publishing) – This online spiritual gifts test identifies your top 5 gifts out of 20.
- Spiritual Gifts Analysis (Team Ministry) – This 108-question assessment analyzes 23 gifts and categorizes them into speaking, serving, and signifying gifts.
Take some time to research these and other options to find one that aligns with your theology and covers the range of gifts you’re interested in exploring. Many churches also offer their own assessments.
Putting Your Gifts into Practice
Taking a spiritual gifts test is an important first step, but the real growth comes when you start exercising those gifts. Some next steps:
- Discuss your results: Share your spiritual gifts test results with your pastor, small group leader, or a trusted mentor. Get their insight and affirmation of what resonates with how they see you.
- Find your fit: Look for ministries or volunteer roles that line up with your top gift areas. For example, if you score high in the gift of teaching, you might consider leading a Bible study or Sunday school class.
- Develop your gifts: Your gifts may start as a seed that needs nurturing. Pursue training, mentoring, and resources to sharpen your skills in your gifting. Attend conferences, read books, and learn from others who have demonstrated maturity in the same gifts.
- Serve with humility: Remember your gifts are not for your own ego but for the good of others. Look for opportunities to bless and build up those around you without seeking recognition. Trust God to work through you as you faithfully steward what He’s given you.
- Evaluate and adjust: As you put your gifts into practice, pay attention to the fruit. Are you seeing lives impacted? Do you feel energized or drained? Be open to feedback and willing to make changes as you discover how your gifts best operate.
Misconceptions about Spiritual Gifts
As you explore your spiritual gifts, it’s important to address some common misconceptions:
- Gifts are the same as talents or personality traits. While there may be some overlap, spiritual gifts are distinct from natural abilities or personality types. Gifts are supernaturally bestowed by the Holy Spirit, not developed through human effort alone.
- You only have one gift. Most people have multiple gifts, not just a single one. Your spiritual gifts test results will likely show a cluster of a few dominant gifts.
- Gifts are set in stone. While some gifts may be strongly evident from the start, others may emerge or develop over time. As you mature in your faith, don’t be surprised if your gifting mix shifts.
- Everyone should have every gift. The beauty of the Body of Christ is that each person brings something unique to the table. It’s okay (and expected!) that you won’t score highly in every gift area.
- Gifts equal maturity. Having a particular gift does not necessarily mean you have the spiritual maturity to exercise it well. Character and gifting should go hand in hand.
By understanding these misconceptions, you can have a more accurate and healthy view of your spiritual gifts.
Taking a spiritual gifts test can be a powerful tool for discovering how God has uniquely designed you to serve His kingdom. By identifying your gifts, you gain clarity on your purpose, find meaningful ways to contribute to your church and community, and experience the joy of partnering with God’s work.
As you put your spiritual gifts test results into practice, trust God to work through you. Approach your gifts with humility, remembering they are a stewardship, not a status symbol. Be open to feedback, willing to grow, and always seeking to use your gifts in love.
Imagine the impact on our world if every Christ follower was operating in their gifting, working together as the Body of Christ. Your spiritual gifts test is the first step in that journey – don’t underestimate the ripple effect as you develop and deploy your gifts for God’s glory. May you find great fulfillment and fruitfulness as you embrace the gifts God has given you!
If you have been blessed by this teaching and desire to go deeper in your understanding of the prophetic, I invite you to check out some of my other resources:
- “How to Prophesy Accurately: 13 Keys to receive and release a prophetic word” is a practical handbook to help you grow in your prophetic gifting, full of biblical insight and personal stories from my decades of ministry.
![How to Prophesy Accurately: 13 Keys to receive and release a prophetic word](https://i0.wp.com/propheticbibleschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/61szOsg9GuL-1-203x300.jpg?resize=203%2C300&ssl=1)
- “Mind Fasting: Unlock Your Spiritual Vision and See Clearly in the Spirit Realm” explores the vital but often neglected role of spiritual disciplines like fasting in sharpening our spiritual senses and tuning our hearts to hear God’s voice more clearly.
![Mind Fasting: Unlock Your Spiritual Vision and See Clearly in the Spirit Realm](https://i0.wp.com/propheticbibleschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/71f28vgPcPL._UF10001000_QL80_-188x300.jpg?resize=188%2C300&ssl=1)
- My Prophetic Masterclass, available at PropheticBibleSchool.com, offers in-depth video teachings, interactive exercises, and a vibrant online community to accelerate your growth as a prophet.
My prayer is that as you dive deep into the Scriptures, you will encounter afresh the beauty and power of God’s prophetic Word. May you hear His voice with greater clarity, walk in the fullness of your prophetic calling, and bear witness to the unfolding of His marvelous purposes in the earth.
Hungry for more of the prophetic? Visit PropheticBibleSchool.com to enroll in my Prophetic Masterclass today!
Gratefully yours,