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How to Judge a Prophetic Word: Discerning True and False Prophecy

How to Judge a Prophetic Word: Discerning True and False Prophecy

In a time when prophetic words are increasingly common in the church, the ability to discern between true and false prophecy is crucial. While genuine prophetic words can provide encouragement, direction, and insight, false prophecies can lead people astray and cause significant harm. As believers, we must be equipped with biblical principles and practical tools for judging prophetic words. In this post, we’ll explore how to judge a prophetic word, examining key scriptures and outlining practical steps for discernment.

What is a Prophetic Word? Judging its Nature

A prophetic word is a message believed to be inspired by the Holy Spirit and communicated through a human vessel. In the biblical context, prophetic words were often used to convey God’s will, provide guidance, offer correction, or foretell future events. The role of prophecy in the church is to strengthen, encourage, and comfort believers (1 Corinthians 14:3).

Biblical examples of prophetic words include:

  • Samuel anointing David as king (1 Samuel 16:1-13)
  • Nathan confronting David about his sin (2 Samuel 12:1-15)
  • Agabus predicting a famine (Acts 11:27-30) and Paul’s imprisonment (Acts 21:10-14)

As we seek to understand how to judge a prophetic word, it’s essential to recognize that not all prophecies are from God. False prophets and false prophecies are a reality that the Bible warns us about (Matthew 7:15, 2 Peter 2:1).

Biblical Principles for Judging a Prophetic Word

The Bible provides clear guidelines for judging a prophetic word. By applying these principles, we can discern between true and false prophecies.

1. Test Every Spirit (1 John 4:1)

The apostle John warns us not to believe every spirit but to test the spirits to see whether they are from God. This principle is foundational to judging a prophetic word. We must not naively accept every prophecy but carefully examine its source and content.

2. Prophetic Words Must Align with Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

A genuine prophetic word will always align with the truth of Scripture. God’s written Word is our ultimate authority and standard for judging a prophetic word. Any prophecy that contradicts or goes beyond the teachings of the Bible should be rejected.

3. True Prophecies Will Exalt Christ (Revelation 19:10)

The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. True prophetic words will always point people to Christ and bring glory to Him. If a prophecy elevates the prophet, promotes a different gospel, or detracts from the centrality of Christ, it fails this crucial test.

4. Prophecies Should Edify, Exhort, and Comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3)

Paul teaches that the purpose of prophecy is to strengthen, encourage, and comfort believers. While true prophetic words may include correction or warning, their overarching tone should be one of edification. Prophecies that consistently breed fear, confusion, or condemnation are suspect.

5. Prophetic Words Should Bear Good Fruit (Matthew 7:15-20)

Jesus taught that we would recognize false prophets by their fruits. When considering how to judge a prophetic word, we must look at the fruit it produces in the lives of those who receive it. True prophecies will lead to growth in faith, hope, and love, while false prophecies will yield division, disorder, and spiritual immaturity.

ALSO READ:  How to Prophesy Accurately

Red Flags: Signs of a False Prophetic Word

In addition to the positive principles for judging a prophetic word, there are several warning signs that can help us identify false prophecies:

  1. Contradicts Scripture: Any prophetic word that contradicts the clear teachings of the Bible is false. God’s Word is unchanging and infallible.
  2. Promotes Personal Gain or Glory: False prophets often use their “gift” for personal gain, whether financial profit, social influence, or self-aggrandizement.
  3. Breeds Fear, Confusion, or Disorder: False prophecies often create a climate of fear, confusion, and chaos, rather than the peace and order that characterize true prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:33).
  4. Claims New Revelation that Supersedes the Bible: False prophets may claim to have new revelation that goes beyond or even contradicts Scripture. This dangerous deception undermines the sufficiency and authority of God’s Word.
  5. Fails to Come to Pass (Deuteronomy 18:22): The Old Testament standard for judging a prophetic word was whether it came to pass. While not all biblical prophecies had immediate fulfillment, a consistent pattern of failed predictions is a clear sign of a false prophet.

Practical Steps for How to Judge a Prophetic Word

With these biblical principles and warning signs in mind, here are some practical steps you can take when judging a prophetic word:

1. Pray for Discernment

The first and most important step in judging a prophetic word is to pray for discernment. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom, insight, and clarity as you evaluate the prophecy. Rely on His guidance to help you distinguish between truth and error.

2. Compare the Word with Scripture

Carefully compare the content of the prophetic word with the teachings of Scripture. Does it align with the character of God and the gospel of Christ as revealed in the Bible? If there is any contradiction or deviation, the prophecy should be rejected.

3. Seek Counsel from Mature Believers

Don’t rely solely on your own judgment when evaluating a prophetic word. Seek the counsel of mature, discerning believers who are well-grounded in Scripture. Their wisdom and insight can provide valuable confirmation or caution.

4. Consider the Character and Track Record of the Prophetic Voice

While not an infallible test, the character and track record of the person delivering the prophetic word should be considered. Look for evidence of spiritual fruit, integrity, and accountability in their life and ministry. A pattern of ungodly behavior or false predictions should raise red flags.

5. Look for Confirmation Through Other Prophetic Words or Signs

While not necessary for every prophetic word, God often confirms His messages through multiple sources. Look for other credible prophetic words, signs, or circumstances that bear witness to the message you’ve received.

6. Allow Time for the Word to be Tested and Proven

Don’t rush to act on a prophetic word, especially if it involves major life decisions. Allow time for the word to be tested and proven. Pray for confirmation, seek godly counsel, and wait for God’s clear leading before making any significant changes.

The Role of Personal Discernment in Judging a Prophetic Word

Ultimately, the responsibility for judging a prophetic word falls on the individual believer. While godly counsel and accountability are important, each person must cultivate their own relationship with God and learn to discern His voice.

ALSO READ:  Characteristics of True Prophets: 7 Biblical Signs to Recognize God's Messengers

This involves:

  • Developing a consistent practice of prayer and Bible study
  • Learning to recognize the promptings of the Holy Spirit
  • Growing in spiritual discernment through exercising your spiritual senses (Hebrews 5:14)

As you mature in your walk with God, you will become more attuned to His voice and better equipped to judge prophetic words that come your way.

Responding to a Prophetic Word After Judging It

Once you’ve carefully judged a prophetic word using the principles and steps outlined above, you must decide how to respond. Here are some guidelines:

  • Pray for wisdom and guidance: Ask God to show you how to rightly apply the prophetic word to your life.
  • Hold prophetic words with humility and openness: Recognize that even true prophecies are imperfect and partial (1 Corinthians 13:9). Be open to further clarification or adjustment as you seek God’s will.
  • Act on words that align with God’s will and Word: If a prophetic word has been tested and proven true, step out in faith and obedience to act on it, knowing that God will guide and provide for you.
  • Release words that do not bear witness: If a prophetic word does not bear witness in your spirit or align with Scripture, release it and do not feel bound by it. Trust God to continue leading you through His Word and Spirit.

The Importance of Accountability in Judging a Prophetic Word

While personal discernment is essential, the role of accountability in judging prophetic words cannot be overstated. The Bible teaches that prophecies should be weighed and tested by the community of believers (1 Corinthians 14:29).

This involves:

  • Submitting prophetic words to the discernment and judgment of mature church leaders
  • Cultivating a church culture where prophecies are openly shared, tested, and evaluated without fear or favoritism
  • Establishing clear guidelines and protocols for delivering and responding to prophetic words in the congregation

By fostering a culture of accountability, the church can create a safe environment for genuine prophecy to flourish while guarding against the influence of false prophecies.

Conclusion: Judging a Prophetic Word with Wisdom and Grace

Learning how to judge a prophetic word is a vital skill for every believer. By applying biblical principles, discerning red flags, and following practical steps, we can navigate the complexities of prophecy with wisdom and grace.

As we grow in our ability to discern true and false prophecies, we can experience the blessing of genuine prophetic words in our lives and in the church. These words, when properly judged and applied, can provide encouragement, direction, and strength for our journey of faith.

At the same time, we must remain humble and dependent on God, recognizing that prophecy is just one of many ways He speaks to His people. May we always prioritize the clear teachings of Scripture and the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit as we seek to hear and obey God’s voice.

If you have been blessed by this teaching and desire to go deeper in your understanding of the prophetic, I invite you to check out some of my other resources:

ALSO READ:  The Gift of Prophetic Dreams: Unlocking Divine Insights and Guidance
How to Prophesy Accurately: 13 Keys to receive and release a prophetic word
Mind Fasting: Unlock Your Spiritual Vision and See Clearly in the Spirit Realm

My prayer is that as you dive deep into the Scriptures, you will encounter afresh the beauty and power of God’s prophetic Word. May you hear His voice with greater clarity, walk in the fullness of your prophetic calling, and bear witness to the unfolding of His marvelous purposes in the earth.

Hungry for more of the prophetic? Visit to enroll in my Prophetic Masterclass today!

Gratefully yours,

Prophet Kum Eric Tso

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