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Spiritual Gifts List: Understanding and Developing Your God-Given Abilities

Spiritual Gifts List: Understanding and Developing Your God-Given Abilities

The Bible teaches that every believer is given spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit to build up the church. Understanding what these gifts are and how they work together is essential for every Christian. While some gifts, like prophecy and tongues, are more miraculous in nature and attributed to the Holy Spirit, others are considered motivational or ministry gifts. This comprehensive spiritual gifts list will explore the various types of gifts mentioned in Scripture, with a special focus on the spiritual gift of prophecy, which includes the gift of prophetic dreams. Whether you’re trying to discover your own gifts or simply want to learn more about how God equips His people, this guide will provide you with valuable insights and biblical knowledge.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Spiritual Gifts List)

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 and are often called “manifestation gifts” because they demonstrate the power and presence of God’s Spirit:

  1. Word of wisdom: Supernaturally receiving and communicating insight from God to skillfully apply knowledge to a situation (1 Cor 12:8)
  2. Word of knowledge: Supernaturally receiving and revealing information from God that couldn’t have been known naturally (1 Cor 12:8)
  3. Faith: Trusting God with extraordinary confidence for what seems impossible (1 Cor 12:9)
  4. Gifts of healings: Supernaturally healing all kinds of sickness and disease without natural means (1 Cor 12:9, 28)
  5. Working of miracles: Operating in God’s almighty power to perform miracles that defy natural laws (1 Cor 12:10)
  6. Prophecy: Communicating a message from God in a way that instructs, encourages, and comforts the church (1 Cor 12:10; 14:3). This can include the gift of prophetic dreams, where God speaks through revelatory dreams.
  7. Discerning of spirits: Supernaturally detecting the presence and identity of spirits, whether divine, human or demonic (1 Cor 12:10)
  8. Different kinds of tongues: Supernaturally speaking in unknown languages (glossolalia) or languages not previously learned (xenoglossy) as a sign to unbelievers or to communicate with God (1 Cor 12:10; 14:22)
  9. Interpretation of tongues: Supernaturally translating a message given through tongues into the common language to edify the church (1 Cor 12:10; 14:13)

These gifts are distinct from the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23), which describe the character of a Spirit-filled believer. The gifts of the Spirit are bestowed as God wills (1 Cor 12:11), often work together, and must always be used to build up the church in love (1 Cor 14:1).

The Gift of Prophecy and Prophetic Dreams

Of all the gifts of the Spirit, prophecy deserves special attention. Paul instructs the church to “eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy” (1 Cor 14:1). Prophecy is divinely inspired speech that communicates a message from God to encourage, comfort, guide, warn, or edify others (1 Cor 14:3). While God’s revelation in Scripture is complete, authoritative, and sufficient, the New Testament indicates prophecy continues as a means of God communicating His specific will and heart to individuals and churches.

The gift of prophetic dreams is a form of prophecy where God speaks through revelatory dreams. There are many examples in Scripture:

  • God warned Abimelech in a dream not to touch Sarah (Gen 20:3-7)
  • God guided Joseph through dreams (Gen 37:5-11; Matt 2:13,19)
  • God gave Daniel the interpretation of the king’s dream (Dan 2)
  • God warned the Magi in a dream not to return to Herod (Matt 2:12)
ALSO READ:  How to Prophesy Accurately

Prophetic dreams are vivid, often accompanied by strong emotions, and linger in your mind upon waking. They typically convey a message through symbols that need prayerful interpretation (Dan 2:28). If you have the gift of prophetic dreams, it’s vital to submit what you receive to the discernment of mature believers and evaluate it against Scripture. Record your prophetic dreams, pray for understanding, and act only if you receive confirmation and wise counsel.

While extremely valuable, the gift of prophecy and prophetic dreams is not infallible and must be tested (1 Cor 14:29; 1 Thess 5:20-21). It should align with and never contradict Scripture. Prophecy is also just one of many gifts and not a sign of super-spirituality. The greatest gift is love (1 Cor 13).

Motivational Gifts

Romans 12:6-8 lists seven motivational gifts that shape how a believer serves God and others:

  1. Prophecy: Proclaiming God’s truth with authority and conviction in a way that calls people to repentance and righteous living. The Greek word denotes “speaking forth” God’s message, which can include Spirit-inspired dreams and visions.
  2. Serving/Ministry: Identifying and meeting practical needs with joy. Being attentive in hospitality and assistance.
  3. Teaching: Clearly explaining and skillfully applying God’s truth to help others learn and live it out. Being devoted to study and accurate instruction.
  4. Exhortation: Encouraging, advising, and influencing people toward spiritual growth. Offering wise counsel and positive motivation.
  5. Giving: Contributing money, resources, time and talents generously and cheerfully. Having a supernatural ability to make and share wealth.
  6. Leadership: Providing direction, vision, and guidance that inspires others to work together effectively. Leading by example with care and diligence.
  7. Mercy: Feeling and acting with compassion for the hurting. Empathizing with those who are suffering and meeting their needs with tenderness.

These gifts describe the God-given motivations and dispositions believers have for how they love and build up the body of Christ. Motivational gifts influence a person’s perspective and passions.

Ministry Gifts

Ephesians 4:11-12 reveals five specific ministry roles God gives to equip and lead the church:

  1. Apostles: Pioneering missionaries and church planters, often operating in multiple spiritual gifts. Laying foundations of Christ’s teaching.
  2. Prophets: Boldly declaring God’s truth and revelation, often through dreams and visions. Calling the church and society to repentance and renewed obedience. The Greek prophetes means an inspired speaker who proclaims and interprets divine will and purpose.
  3. Evangelists: Powerfully communicating the gospel to unbelievers and equipping believers to share their faith. Gifted in preaching for supernatural harvest.
  4. Pastors/Shepherds: Overseeing, nurturing and feeding a local church. Skilled in teaching, guiding, protecting and modeling Christlikeness. The Greek poimen depicts tending and leading a flock.
  5. Teachers: Making God’s truth clear and applicable through explanation and example. Devoted to studying and rightly dividing Scripture.

These gifted individuals are given to the whole church as gifts from the risen Christ. They are essential for nurturing spiritual maturity, doctrinal stability, and kingdom expansion. Their purpose is to equip believers for works of ministry that build up the body of Christ (Eph 4:12-16).

Other Spiritual Gifts

Several other spiritual gifts and abilities are mentioned throughout the New Testament:

  • Celibacy: Voluntarily remaining unmarried to devote oneself wholeheartedly to ministry (1 Cor 7:7-8; Matt 19:12)
  • Hospitality: Graciously welcoming guests and strangers, opening one’s home for ministry (1 Pet 4:9-10)
  • Martyrdom: Sacrificing one’s life for the gospel (1 Cor 13:3)
  • Missionary: Adapting cross-culturally to minister the gospel in other contexts (Eph 3:6-8)
  • Voluntary poverty: Willingly living with minimal resources to prioritize the kingdom of God (1 Cor 13:3)
  • Intercession: Engaging in prayer for the needs of others (Rom 8:26-27)
  • Craftsmanship: Creatively designing and constructing items for ministry (Ex 31:1-11)
  • Music: Using instrumental or vocal abilities to glorify God and communicate His truth (1 Chron 16:41-42; Col 3:16)
ALSO READ:  Spiritual Gifts Test: The Ultimate Guide to Discovering Your Gifts

These diverse gifts and skills demonstrate the multifaceted ways the Holy Spirit equips the church for worship, mission, service and community life.

Spiritual Gifts List

Discovering and Developing Your Spiritual Gifts

Every believer has at least one spiritual gift (1 Pet 4:10). Discovering your gifts is an important part of knowing your calling and place in the body of Christ. Here are some steps to help you identify and cultivate your spiritual gifts:

  1. Explore: Study the biblical passages on spiritual gifts. Read about how various gifts were expressed in Scripture and church history.
  2. Pray: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal and confirm your spiritual gifts (1 Cor 12:11). Pray for wisdom and opportunities to use them.
  3. Examine: Reflect on your desires, interests, and abilities. What ministry needs excite and burden you? When do you feel most alive and fruitful in serving?
  4. Ask: Get input from mature believers who know you well. How have they seen God work through you to bless others?
  5. Serve: Volunteer for different ministries and roles that match your potential gifting. Be willing to try new things. Your gifts will become evident as you step out to edify others.
  6. Evaluate: Assess what ministries seem to bear the most fruit and resonate with your gifting. Where are you seeing lives changed? Lean into what God is blessing.
  7. Develop: Once you identify your gifts, actively look for ways to strengthen them. Pursue training, mentoring, and resources to grow in your areas of gifting.

Remember, spiritual gifts are not badges of superiority but tools for humble service (1 Cor 12:11, Rom 12:3). They work together interdependently to demonstrate Christ’s power (1 Cor 12:12-27). As you use your gifts, do so in love and faith, abiding in Jesus (1 Cor 13:1-3; John 15:4-5).


The spiritual gifts list reveals a wide array of abilities the Holy Spirit gives to believers, from the more miraculous gifts of prophecy and dreams to the indispensable gifts of service and mercy. When we understand the diversity of gifts and how they operate together under Christ, the whole church is built up in unity and maturity. As you explore the spiritual gifts list, prayerfully consider how God has equipped you to serve His people. Step out in faith to exercise your gifting while eagerly desiring the greater gifts and keeping love as the highest aim (1 Cor 12:31; 14:1). As each part does its work, empowered by the Spirit, the body of Christ will thrive and bring glory to God.

If you have been blessed by this teaching and desire to go deeper in your understanding of the prophetic, I invite you to check out some of my other resources:

How to Prophesy Accurately: 13 Keys to receive and release a prophetic word
ALSO READ:  Holy Spirit Activation: Igniting Your Spiritual Gifts and Connection with God
Mind Fasting: Unlock Your Spiritual Vision and See Clearly in the Spirit Realm

My prayer is that as you dive deep into the Scriptures, you will encounter afresh the beauty and power of God’s prophetic Word. May you hear His voice with greater clarity, walk in the fullness of your prophetic calling, and bear witness to the unfolding of His marvelous purposes in the earth.

Hungry for more of the prophetic? Visit to enroll in my Prophetic Masterclass today!

Gratefully yours,

Prophet Kum Eric Tso

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