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What to Do When You Receive a Prophetic Word: Responding with Wisdom and Discernment

What to Do When You Receive a Prophetic Word: Responding with Wisdom and Discernment

Receiving a personal prophetic word can be a pivotal moment in your spiritual journey. These divinely inspired messages have the power to bring encouragement, direction, and transformation. However, knowing what to do when you receive a prophetic word is crucial for stewarding the revelation well and aligning your life with God’s purposes.

In this post, we’ll explore practical steps and biblical principles to help you navigate the process of receiving and responding to personal prophecy. By the end, you’ll be equipped with tools to discern, pray through, and act upon the prophetic words spoken over your life.

Always Record the Prophetic Word When You Receive It

When you receive a prophetic word, it’s essential to document it accurately. Our human minds are prone to forgetting details, especially when we’re in the moment of receiving a powerful spiritual message. Recording the prophecy ensures that you have a clear and complete record to refer back to.

If you know in advance that you’ll be receiving a prophetic word, come prepared with a voice recording app on your phone or another device. If the prophecy comes unexpectedly, do your best to write down key points as soon as possible afterward. Consider asking the person delivering the word if they would be willing to repeat it so you can capture it fully.

Having a recorded version of your prophetic word allows you to transcribe it later for further study and prayer. The process of listening and writing out the prophecy can also help you internalize and engage with the message more deeply.

Prayerfully Reflect on the Word After You Receive a Prophetic Message

Once you’ve recorded the prophetic word, take time to prayerfully reflect on what was spoken. This isn’t a quick glance or hasty analysis, but a intentional process of seeking God’s heart and wisdom.

In your reflection, consider how the prophecy aligns with Scripture and resonates with your spirit. Does it bear witness with what you know of God’s character and ways? How does it connect with the journey He has already had you on?

Invite the Holy Spirit to bring clarity and confirmation as you meditate on the word. Ask God to highlight any areas that need further discernment or to illuminate the next steps of faith and obedience He may be calling you to.

Test the Prophetic Word Against Scripture

As you reflect on what to do when you receive a prophetic word, the most important step is to weigh it against the truth of the Bible. Scripture is our ultimate plumbline, and any genuine prophetic message will align with and affirm what God has already spoken in His Word.

Carefully compare the prophecy with biblical principles and precepts. Look for any red flags or inconsistencies that would indicate a false or misguided word. Even if a prophecy seems positive on the surface, if it contradicts or goes beyond the boundaries of Scripture, it must be rejected.

Remember, the role of prophecy is to strengthen, encourage, and comfort believers (1 Corinthians 14:3), not to lead them into confusion or error. Testing prophecy against the Bible safeguards us and keeps us anchored in God’s truth.

ALSO READ:  What is Prophecy? Understanding the Gift of Prophecy in the Bible

Allow Your Spirit to Bear Witness When You Receive a Prophetic Word

Another key factor in discerning what to do when you receive a prophetic word is learning to recognize how your own spirit responds. The Holy Spirit within you will bear witness to the truth and give you an inner sense of peace or unease.

As you pray over the prophecy, pay attention to the condition of your spirit. A genuine word from God will generally resonate with a deep sense of peace, joy, or holy excitement – even if the message stretches you or calls you out of your comfort zone.

On the other hand, if you consistently feel unsettled, confused, or resistant to a prophetic word, don’t ignore those inner checks. They may be warning signs that something is off. Give yourself space to process with God and get further clarity.

It’s also helpful to understand the dual role prophecy can play. Sometimes, prophetic words bring brand new revelation we’ve never considered. Other times, they serve to confirm or affirm something God has already been speaking to our hearts. Both are valuable and require us to seek the Lord for wisdom on how to interpret and apply the word.

Seek Counsel About the Prophetic Word from Mature Believers

Processing a prophetic word in community can provide valuable safeguards and insights. Share the prophecy with a trusted spiritual mentor, leader, or mature believer who demonstrates wisdom and discernment.

Getting an outside perspective can help you assess the word more objectively. A seasoned leader can also offer guidance on how to interpret and apply the prophecy within the context of your life and walk with God.

However, be judicious in who you share your prophetic word with. Not everyone in your life may have the spiritual maturity to steward the word well. Pray for discernment about who to invite into the process. You want to avoid unnecessary negative reactions or misunderstandings that could hinder your faith.

War Over the Prophecy in Prayer After You Receive a Prophetic Word

Receiving a prophetic word is not a passive experience. It’s an invitation to active partnership with God. One powerful way to engage with the word is to use it as a focal point for prayer and spiritual warfare.

The apostle Paul instructed Timothy to wage war with the prophecies he had received (1 Timothy 1:18). We too can take the words spoken over us and pray them back to God, declaring His will to be done and His purposes to come to pass.

In your prayer time, claim the promises and revelation from the prophecy. Stand against any enemy attacks or resistance that would try to hinder the fulfillment of the word. Ask God for strength and perseverance to stay the course, even if the journey is longer than expected.

As you war with your prophecy, you’ll find your faith strengthened. You’ll be able to stand firm in the face of challenges, knowing that God is faithful to watch over His word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12).

Be Open to Conditional Fulfillment of the Prophetic Word You Receive

When considering what to do when you receive a prophetic word, it’s crucial to have a right understanding of the nature of prophecy. Prophetic words are not iron-clad guarantees or inviolable decrees. They are invitations to partner with God that require our cooperation and obedience.

ALSO READ:  The Gift of Prophecy: Unleashing God's Voice in the Body of Christ

Scripture teaches that we prophesy in part and see through a glass dimly (1 Corinthians 13:9, 12). Even the most accurate prophetic word doesn’t capture the full picture of how God will bring it to pass. We must remain open to Him fulfilling the word in His own ways and timing, even if it looks different than we expected.

It’s also important to recognize that prophecies can be conditional. Certain words are dependent on our response of faith and obedience. If we harbor disobedience or unrepentant sin, it can delay or even derail the fulfillment of a prophetic promise.

However, we can take heart knowing that God’s ultimate will and plans will always come to pass. He is sovereign and will work all things together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

Engage with the Prophecy Continually to Steward the Prophetic Word You Receive

Finally, stewarding a prophetic word well requires ongoing engagement. It’s not a one-and-done experience, but a continuous process of prayer, obedience, and trust.

The apostle Paul urged Timothy not to neglect the prophecies spoken over him, but to use them to fuel his spiritual growth and ministry (1 Timothy 4:14-15). We too must learn to continually meditate on and pray over the prophetic words we receive. As we do, they will sustain us in seasons of waiting and equip us for the work God has called us to.

Engaging with prophecy also means taking steps of faith and obedience as God directs. If the word calls us to step out in a new venture, we must be willing to trust God and take action. If it highlights an area of character development, we must cooperate with the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives.

As we continually engage with and steward the prophetic words sown into our lives, we’ll find ourselves drawn into deeper places of intimacy with God. We’ll experience the joy of partnership with Him and see His purposes unfold in and through us.


In summary, knowing what to do when you receive a prophetic word is a critical skill for every believer. By following these key steps – recording the word, praying through it, testing it against Scripture, discerning with your spirit, seeking counsel, warring in prayer, remaining open to God’s fulfillment, and continually engaging with the prophecy – you’ll be well-equipped to steward the prophetic words spoken over your life.

Remember, prophecy is a precious gift from a good Father who desires to communicate with His children. As you learn to receive and respond to prophetic words with wisdom and discernment, you’ll find your faith strengthened, your intimacy with God deepened, and your kingdom impact increased.

May you have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying, a heart to discern and obey, and a life that bears much fruit for God’s glory as you steward the prophetic words He entrusts to you.

If you have been blessed by this teaching and desire to go deeper in your understanding of the prophetic, I invite you to check out some of my other resources:

ALSO READ:  The Sons of the Prophets: Uncovering the Bible's Ancient Model of Prophetic Mentorship
How to Prophesy Accurately: 13 Keys to receive and release a prophetic word
Mind Fasting: Unlock Your Spiritual Vision and See Clearly in the Spirit Realm

My prayer is that as you dive deep into the Scriptures, you will encounter afresh the beauty and power of God’s prophetic Word. May you hear His voice with greater clarity, walk in the fullness of your prophetic calling, and bear witness to the unfolding of His marvelous purposes in the earth.

Hungry for more of the prophetic? Visit to enroll in my Prophetic Masterclass today!

Gratefully yours,

Prophet Kum Eric Tso

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